
Metallic Rey Belle

April 30, 2020 We welcome a new filly born on the Rio Roca Ranch to Boon San Reys X Metallic Rebel.

Metallic Icee

March 28, 2020 We welcome a new filly born on the Rio Roca Ranch to CD Frosted Lights X Metallic Cat.

Huddie Be Tuff

Sold November 2022 February 25, 2020 We welcome a new foal born on the Rio Roca Ranch to Sally Cats Hot X Woody Be Tuff.

Mr Beez Cash

Sold December 2021 April 06, 2019 The Rio Roca Ranch equine family welcomes Mr Beez Cash, born to Reyzin the Cash and CD Frosted Lights on April 6, 2019.

Smooth Purple Hayzee

Sold April 2021 April 04, 2019 The Rio Roca Ranch equine family welcomes Smooth Purple Hayzee, born to Smooth Talkin Style and Boon San Reys on April 4, 2019.

Princesses Rule

LTE $243,928 December 06, 2018 Rio Roca is excited to have Princesses Rule join our equine family, a filly of Docs Stylish Oak and Little Bow Peepto. Please click here to read Sally Harrison’s blog on the pedigree of Princesses Rule. 2021 Breeder’s Invitational Princesses… Read More »Princesses Rule

Great Horned Owl

October 18, 2018 The staff at Rio Roca loves wildlife. Today, we came upon a great horned owl caught in a fence and unable to move. Jared Lee, ranch manager, reported that our foreman, Ward, and a neighbor were able to free him and contacted… Read More »Great Horned Owl

Saltador ORO

June 26, 2018 Oct 2018: Rancho Del Lago shares the results of the 2018 national IALHA show held in Houston. Please click here to view the YouTube video of Saltador ORO at the IALHA nationals and the showcase of his career highlights. June 2018: Saltador… Read More »Saltador ORO


May 07, 2018 WoodyBeFrosty joins the Rio Roca equine family. He is the son of CD Frosted Lights and Woody Be Tuff.